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With all due respect to Pink Floyd, a lot of classrooms I've been in could have used some dark sarcasm

Lore Sjöberg

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🦋 Reboot! Restore!

Boy oh boy, tonight I rebooted the new server for the first time since I got it running back in late September! Why, you might ask -- it was not sick, nothing was wrong with it. Well: I inherited an oldish flatscreen monitor from my workplace -- a reboot was necessitated in order to get the computer talking to the screen. That's kind of big news; the old monitor was the one I've been running with ever since I inherited the previous computer from my previous workplace back in 1996 or thereabouts. It was a totally inappropriate monitor for the purpose it was serving; a monstrous, 22" CRT that must weigh over 30 lbs., that totally dominated the desk even though it was never turned on. The new screen will be a much better neighbor for the other things on the desk.

I was a little concerned when I rebooted and the web site was not accessible; I had sort of assumed that apache set itself up, when I installed it, to run as a daemon without anyone having to log in. Turns out that's not the case! Anybody want to tell me how to make it so? sshd starts automatically, which is good. Took me a little while to figure out how to start mysqld -- this would also be a great process to have loaded automatically when the system boots.

And: After I posted this, I noticed its id was 877 and I thought that's weird, wasn't I posting stuff in the 880's earlier? And I looked at my database backup from this morning (!) and saw that there were indeed more posts than I was seeing on the site. Kneel before me, Mysql! I know how to backup and restore databases! (And thanks, Mysql, for making it so easy to do, that a lazybones like myself can do it.)

So... If you're commenting on this post and want to tell me how to get mysql and apache auto loading, it would be great if you could drop a hint about how to make mysql exit gracefully as well, because it sure seems like it did not do that this evening.

Update: Developing... it looks like to make apache and mysql load on boot, I need to put them in /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Now, my computer has no such directory; but it does have rc?.d where ? is a number from 0 to 6 or the letter S. There is also etc/init.d. I should be able to figure this out...

posted evening of Friday, November 9th, 2007
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