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Ce n'est pas avec des idées qu'on fait des vers, c'est avec des mots.

— Stéphane Mallarmé

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"I have read Lolita, as you requested. It is a good book, and therefore you should try to sell it to the inhabitants of Hardborough. They won't understand it, but that is all to the good. Understanding makes the mind lazy."

Penelope Fitzgerald, The Book Shop

Can you dig it — Understanding makes the mind lazy!!! This will be my slogan from now on, or until I find a better.

I finished the book this afternoon; grew a bit exasperated with myself as I got into the familiar mode of being so interested in the plot, that I read too fast and fail to process completely what I am reading. I would be less dependent on rereading if I would not do that so frequently. Anyways -- I love it! Loaning it out to all my friends starting now.


Two bits of good news: Coliseum Books has reopened, and very near my place of employment! I have been there twice already. And, this weekend we are going to visit Eva in Craryville which means, a chance to visit Rodgers Book Barn!

posted evening of Wednesday, June 25th, 2003
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