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Be quiet the doctor's wife said gently, let's all keep quiet, there are times when words serve no purpose, if only I, too, could weep, say everything with tears, not have to speak in order to be understood.

José Saramago

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🦋 Gender in El libro de Eva

Gender is an interesting issue in Eve's writing. Eve is very clearly female, and Adam clearly male; but what makes them that? There doesn't seem to be any physical distinction between the two at the time they leave Eden; it's not really clear to me that they have bodies as such at all, before they eat the apple. There is a long period elapsed of them being Woman and Man before they become "anatomically correct"... It seems to me like the thing that makes Eve Woman (in the world of this book) is the fact that she chooses to eat the apple and to offer it to Adam, and the thing that makes Adam Man, is that he follows her lead and eats second. Did they have gender beforehand?

posted afternoon of Saturday, December 12th, 2020
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