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Jeremy's journal

The only real thing that exists at this moment on earth is our being here together...

José Saramago

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🦋 Some rough drafts

I have been writing a lot of poetry lately, much of which has not really taken any shape yet, in both English and Spanish. Here are a couple passages in English that seem worth expanding on.

Act out this savage pantomime
in the distance
in the distance
the voices of your
and you stumble thru the steps
of some long forgotten scene
of some brutally ironic
forgotten scene.

and sometimes it can help to be brutally honest
to tell the truth I mean
and to deceive
deceive with honesty
so to speak
deceive with savage apathy
liquidity and self-congratulation:
to seed the pastures
of some chaotic Babylon

and the insect hum behind the melody
pervasive rhythmic ambiance
Not a form of beauty but of void, this binary
now, so what--
Void is imperceptible when it's cloaked in a mask of being
Void here should be taken to mean Nullity
and our Reality/ is riddled through
is torn asunder by infinite
void and void and voids/ impossible
to pluralize this empty heart
of being.

and the minutes are like hours, like idle, carefree hours
forgotten as they pass.
Forgotten as the second hand
ticks by on some imagined sundial
as streams/ evaporate
into desert
as protostellar nuclei condense
intrinsic to our nature/ even
as the void repulses us
¶ and the insect hum behind the melody pervasive
and basic to nature
to meaning.

to say the minutes pass like hours predictable creeping by
o verminous horde, to say
to say you've said all this before, to call the riddle
meaningless and petty
To get behind the riddle to its source, to its creator/
interact for God's sake
and call it growth, and chalk it up
to destiny

so sliding frame by frame by
these episodes and episodic memories
of our ill-spent youths

and current circumstances

different pathways and strands of meaning surround you
encroach on your experience of the moment
your sense of reality
so to speak
you've come unstuck in time and out of luck
so walk your pilgrim's path
so celebrate your misfortune
at the indeterminate slices
of subjunctive structure
that enframe you.

posted evening of Sunday, September first, 2013
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