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Tyndareus Crushed, by Igor Mitoraj (taken August 2005)


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In Solomon's mind, not wanting and not knowing form part of a much larger question about the world in which he finds himself.

José Saramago

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🦋 Dinner

You want to know what is a really nice feeling? Thinking of a recipe while you're at work, for which you have a couple but not all of the ingredients; coming home, taking a walk to the (new! good!) market in town;* finding exactly the ingredients you were thinking about; bringing them home and making dinner and having it come out just like you had planned.

Shrimp and scallops, with saffron cous-cous

(to serve 2)
  • ½ lb. small shrimp
  • a few scallops
  • 1 head basil
  • about ½ lb. snow peas
  • 1 can baby corn

  • 1 cup dry cous-cous
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • a pinch saffron
Prepare all ingredients beforehand as this is a quick dish to cook: wash the peas and basil, drain the corn, chop the garlic. Peel and vein the shrimp.

Heat 1 cup water in a small saucepan, with a bit of butter, about half the garlic, and ½ tsp. salt. Heat about a Tbsp. canola oil in a wok over high flame.

Stir-fry garlic, shrimp and scallops with a pinch of salt until shrimp turns pink, about 2-3 min. As water comes to a boil, remove from heat and stir in cous-cous and saffron. (I was going to put a little nutmeg in, but I forgot.) Cover pan. Add snow peas, basil, and corn to wok and stir until everything is hot and wilted, a couple of minutes.

Toss cous-cous with a fork. Serve immediately. Boy, this is tasty.

For dessert we had fruit salad with chocolate and crème fraiche, which is not really worth writing out as a recipe because it's pretty intuitive. I recommend such a dessert highly.

* South Orange has a market! This is something new. It is Eden Gourmet. They have close to everything I want in a market. Prices are high but what can you do -- they are competitive with Whole Foods, the other grocery option around here; their produce looks to be better and cheaper than Whole Foods. Their grocery selection is absolutely better and wider than Whole Foods; on items that both carry I think the prices are roughly similar.

posted evening of Friday, May second, 2008
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